• SlicelikeaninJa

    Say I have an outside application dumping words into a text file at random intervals (say between 0.1 and 100 times per second), is it possible for PD to watch this file, and read the words on the fly, as they appear?

    Is there an easier or more straight forward way for PD to receive such a continuous flow of words?
    Can [netreceive] handle plaintext?

    cheers for any ideas!


    posted in technical issues read more
  • SlicelikeaninJa

    Hi there... another newb question!

    I've got a patch going where I can store cue points in an array. These cue points simply refer to frame numbers and right now are just going straight into the right input of pix_film.

    Now I'm jumping between 3 points (say 10, 60, and 100) while the video (avi) is being rendered, but not playing... so it's just displaing still frames.

    The weird thing is that the frame that appears when I hit the button for frame #60 changes depending on whether I jump to it from frame #10, or frame #100!

    So depending on what pix_film received last, frame #60 could display one of two different things!

    I'm missing something right??



    posted in pixel# read more
  • SlicelikeaninJa


    I'm new to gem and am building a simple video player.

    I know that pix_film can give me the height, width, and length of a clip... but is there a way that I can extract the framerate information?



    posted in pixel# read more
  • SlicelikeaninJa

    Hi there peeps,

    I'm building a basic granular synth type patch using [phasor~] and [tabread4~] to read an array.

    What I want is to be able to have a bang go off every time the phasor hits zero... but I can't figue it out.

    Any suggestions?



    posted in technical issues read more
  • SlicelikeaninJa

    Hi people, this is the first time I've posted as I've just got in to PD. Hello!

    Hopefully this is the correct section to post in... please move it if it's not.

    I'm going through the examples set out in the "Designing Sound" .pdf written by Andy Farnell, and am having issues with the "select" object example on page 33.

    Basically the Bang from the 4th outlet of the Select object isn't having any effect on my "0" message, which is meant to resest the counter to 0, completing the cycle 0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3 etc.

    Am I doing anything wrong?

    I have attached the patch as my description above is incomplete.

    thanks heaps.

    Sli J


    posted in patch~ read more
  • SlicelikeaninJa

    Actully a fairly good explanation!
    It would be nice if PD could extrapolate and display the n-1 and n+1 frames... but alas.

    posted in pixel# read more
  • SlicelikeaninJa

    @mod said:

    | [r $0-freq]
    | |
    | [r $0-freq]
    | |
    [f ]
    [t f b]
    | \
    [0, 1 $1(
    [line~] (or vline~ for super accuracy, for a granular process, line~ should be fine)
    MOD: Just wondering if there's any particular reason you've put "$0" in your and [r] names?


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  • SlicelikeaninJa

    So I'm playing around with [edge~] and [phasor~], but it's being a bit weird...

    You would assume it would output a bang once each cycle right???

    But it only seems to bang when you reset the phase...

    Am I missing something?


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  • SlicelikeaninJa

    Thanks guys, I'll try these out.

    I can't find any documentation for [edge~]... how exactly does it work?

    posted in technical issues read more
  • SlicelikeaninJa

    Thanks! Gotta remember that [t f f].

    posted in patch~ read more

Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!