• shubham87in

    Hello everyone

    I am new to pure data and arduino.

    So please can anyone help me out with this and provide me with the steps fr their connection. would be a gr8 help.


    posted in technical issues read more
  • shubham87in

    I am new to pd software. I am making a final year project on speech controlled vehicle utilizing pure data and arduino.

    Please somebody help me as I am having problem in connecting pd and arduino.

    I am unable to send data from pd to arduino.

    posted in technical issues read more
  • shubham87in

    I am new to Pd and Arduino.

    I am planning to make a speech controlled wheelchair as my final yr project. Can anyone help me out with the designing of the necessary connections in Pd.

    It would be a great help.

    posted in technical issues read more
  • shubham87in

    I am new to pd

    I am making a speech controlled wheelchair as my final year project . I am planning to use Simon and Arduino for the project with Pd .

    I am having problem in connecting Simon and Pd . The desired output is that whatever command is given to computer through mike should be send to Pd.

    Please someone help me.

    posted in I/O hardware diyread more
Internal error.

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