• rvega

    I have an argument for an abstraction that looks like

    [myabstraction foo/bar/baz]

    Inside of my abstraction I'm calculating a float and I want to send a message like

    [foo bar baz 0.23(

    So that I can later do

    [route foo]

    and get "bar baz 0.23"

    So far, I'm doing:

    [symbol $1]
    [s2l /]
    [0.22( [l2s]
    | |
    | |
    [pack f s]
    [$2 $1(
    | \
    | \
    [print] [route foo]
    [print no_output]

    Which successfully prints "foo bar baz 0.22" on the left print object. However, there is nothing printed by [print no_output].

    Any ideas why? I'm thinking the conversion from symbol to list and back does something weird that is not seen by [print] ?

    Any other suggestion on how to achieve this?


    posted in technical issues read more
  • rvega

    Thanks a lot shawnb! The messages_for_changing_the_contents_of_a_message_box part is what I was missing :)
    I ended up using [add( messages to a message box in conjunction with [dollarg] to achieve what I described.

    posted in technical issues read more
Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!