• recneps12

    I am new to Pd and I am attempting to manipulate audio I have coming in using [Openpanel]. I want to be able to rewind the file, not to the beginning but at a set rate, and I was wondering if any one knew how.
    I currently tracking "where" the audio file is using [Metro 50]-[snapshot~] and then dividing that number by the sample rate to get a number between 0 and 1. I thought it might be possible to achieve the rewind by somehow being able to decrease the number received from the process above and then putting that into [phasor~]. I am not sure how to decrease the number at a steady rate though. So I guess that is the first question- How can I decrease a number being received at a constant rate.
    The second is if it would be possible to use [rewind(. I am not really sure what it does but based from the name it seems like it might do what I want.

    Thank you,


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