• prisoners

    Here are my first few tracks that are 100% PD; I've kind of had enough of them, there are some interesting elements, but I don't feel they are going to go anywhere...so I thought I would post them and move on to new ideas!




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  • prisoners

    @acreil said:

    @prisoners said:

    there are some interesting elements, but I don't feel they are going to go anywhere...

    Most people just stop there and call it "minimal".

    Anyway they're not bad. The nice thing about PD is that it's pretty easy to add some amount of randomized variation. So you could add a few more parts and maybe mix them in and out at random, or add different effects to what's already there. I don't know if that's the sort of thing you're going for, but it's a way to make something more interesting without agonizing over it too much.

    I am interested in some more generative movement within the songs; There is a few randomized elements within each song, however I would admit that in this round of experiments I was pretty timid, and I plan to go much further with the next batch :)

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