• pollyandthephonix

    Lets say I have a simple 2 operator FM synth using [osc~] objects. As long as the peak amplitude of the modulating oscilator remains below the Nyquist frequency ( I typically run at 48kHz, so this would be 24kHz), there should be no aliasing. Is this correct? or am i missing something.

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  • pollyandthephonix

    I downloaded the latest version of Pd, I un-tarred and moved the directory to /usr/local/src. So far so good. Then I cd into the ../pd/src directory (as indicated in the readme) and type ./configre. All I get is the response bash: file not found. When I checked the contents of the directory there are two files; configure.in, and config.h.in neither of which is the configure script. So, I downloaded the previous version (Pd-0.40.3-extended), and tried again. Same problem. so now I am wondering, is this a problem with the packages I've downloaded or is there something amis with my system? ie should I have a generic configure script installed in /usr/bin? can I copy and paste any old configure script from another software package? Any thoughts and opinions will be appreciated.

    FWIW I am running Debian Lenny w/ RT kernel. x86 architecture....

    P.S. the reason I am compiling is because I can't get the extended version w/ apt-get, and when I try to install the debian package manually (w/ dpkg) the package list gets confused over a broken dependency.

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  • pollyandthephonix

    This code, IOhannes m zmoelnig 2001-09-13, if I am correct, defines a structure of type " _helloworld " and declares an instance of that structure called t_helloworld.

    typedef struct _helloworld {
    t_object x_obj;
    } t_helloworld;

    This is where I get confused. The code below defines a function which has one argument, the variable " x " which is declared as a pointer to type t_helloworld.

    void helloworld_bang(t_helloworld *x)
    post("Hello world !!");

    How is this possible, if t_helloworld is a structure and not a type? Shouldn't the argument be "...(_helloworld *x)"?
    I looked at the example code that comes with puredata, and it follows the exact same format. I compiled the examples and they seem to work fine, so I believe that the code is correct; I just don't understand why.

    These code snippets came from IOhannes m Zmoeling's awsome guide to writing externals which can be found here:


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  • pollyandthephonix

    Hi, I am interested in building a patch manager/Editor in PD.
    I recently bought a DX7, and I was wondering if any PD users out
    there were experienced with the instrument. I know that the
    [ctlin] and [ctlout] objects work for sending and receiving
    controller data, but I think that loading and storing DX7 patch
    parameters depends on sysex dumps. Is there a an object
    that handles this. Also the DX7 I bought did not come with a manual,
    so I was hoping someone might know how the parameters
    are designated within the synth itself, or where I could find the
    information. Thanks for any advice. I'll post the patch when it is completed,
    which will have a virtual DX7 integrated into it.

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  • pollyandthephonix

    What is a "dirty 0" message ?

    >> > this bug was fixed with sending a |dirty 0( to the canvas

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  • pollyandthephonix

    neat trick with the message box, I never knew that!

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  • pollyandthephonix

    I am not exactly sure what the original intention of ths patch was, but it makes some awsome sounds!! gonna build a metalic noize-box out of it!!!

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  • pollyandthephonix

    The scons build system? I will give that a shot. thanks for the suggestion!

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  • pollyandthephonix

    You create inlets within your subpatch; one for each parameter Attack, Decay, etc... Then in the parent window you attatch message boxes to each inlet, that contain the initial values you want for each parameter. Then, you create a [loadbang] object, and connect its outlet to each of the message boxes.

    The [loadbang] object outputs a bang when a patch is loaded, this bang tells the message boxes to send their values to your adsr subpatch.

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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!