• Paulinho

    Hi Jona,
    Thank you for the answer! Yes, I'm guilty of not keeping track of what libraries I use...
    [limit] comes from maxlib and [once] from iemlib.
    Anyway I edited my post: I added [limit], and rewrote the others objects as subpatches, so this should work now (for you at least).
    I'll add the piano roll when I find the time.

    posted in patch~ read more
  • Paulinho

    Hi ,
    I made this midi sequencer that allows you to create and modify notes on a piano-roll using keyboard and mouse.
    I was not familiar with data structures but i came accross and recycled a drag-n-drop patch by lzr:
    Maybe someone can help me with note deletion: is there a simple way to delete a scalar?
    What I did for now is keeping track of pointers in a [coll].I can delete one selected note from the coll and reload everything.
    I'm sure there's something easier to delete a pointer...
    The patch needs a nice piano-roll design and has a few bugs ..
    Tell me if it works ok for you,
    map2.pd limit-help.pd limit.dll

    Edit: added save and load system, and note creation with lists
    Edit2: added map2 object
    Edit3!: added limit object from maxlib library

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  • Paulinho

    Oups, sorry,
    I though that was a common object, and it's not.
    Anyway, I edited my post so it should work now. (And [show] was basically: [list prepend set]---[list trim].)

    posted in abstract~ read more
  • Paulinho

    Hi everybody,

    -What's the meaning of this float? -Just kugel it!

    [kugel] is some kind of search engine, using [list-find]: you input a search term (float or symbol in a message box) in the second inlet,
    and then one or many lists where to search (separated by commas) in the first inlet.

    The output is the set of lists containing the search term (first outlet). You have to connect the outlet directly to a message box.

    Finally you can specify the position of your search term in the list, e.g. retrieve only lists where "x" is the first element.
    This position is defined in the third inlet (zero-based).
    These results are sent to the second outlet.

    Hope this can be usefull,


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  • Paulinho


    I have a message box listing floats (1 or 0). I want to have the number of 0s following every 1. I thought that I first needed to slice the list into smaller ones so that:
    [1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0(
    would show as :
    [1 0 0( [1( [1 0( [1 0( .
    I searched list-abs but couldn't find the right object to do that. I came across a
    [list-split-at] object, but I get a message box where lists are separated by semi-colons, which I don't know how to unpack.
    I sense there is a simple solution to this but can't find it!
    Anyone has an idea, please?


    posted in technical issues read more
  • Paulinho

    Hi everybody,
    this is my first contribution to this nice forum.
    I made a midi keyboard interface, with an integrated arpeggiator/sequencer that allows you to play an ordered sequence of the selected notes. You can assign a specific midi channel to each note, each key being colored according to its channel.
    The purpose can be:
    Quick testing of an orchestration using VST-instruments with a keyboard view;
    quick arrangement of an accompaniment; multi-timbral arpeggios.
    You can input notes from a keyboard on channel 10, or using messages lists of midi notes. Outlets include lists of selected midi notes.(Please see the help file)
    You will need List-abs library and the [show] object.
    Please comment and signal any problems!


    posted in abstract~ read more
  • Paulinho

    Hi everybody,
    this is my first contribution to this nice forum.
    I made a midi keyboard interface, with an integrated arpeggiator/sequencer that allows you to play an ordered sequence of the selected notes. You can assign a specific midi channel to each note, each key being colored according to its channel.
    The purpose can be:
    Quick testing of an orchestration using VST-instruments with a keyboard view;
    quick arrangement of an accompaniment; multi-timbral arpeggios.
    You can input notes from a keyboard on channel 10, or using messages lists of midi notes. Outlets include lists of selected midi notes.(Please see the help file)
    You will need List-abs library and the [show] object.
    Please comment and signal any problems!


    posted in abstract~ read more
  • Paulinho

    Hi everybody,
    this is my first contribution to this nice forum.
    I made a midi keyboard interface, with an integrated arpeggiator/sequencer that allows you to play an ordered sequence of the selected notes. You can assign a specific midi channel to each note, each key being colored according to its channel.
    The purpose can be:
    Quick testing of an orchestration using VST-instruments with a keyboard view;
    quick arrangement of an accompaniment; multi-timbral arpeggios.
    You can input notes from a keyboard on channel 10, or using messages lists of midi notes. Outlets include lists of selected midi notes.(Please see the help file)
    You will need List-abs library and the [show] object.
    Please comment and signal any problems!


    posted in abstract~ read more
  • Paulinho

    Thanks a lot, Xbarbie!

    posted in technical issues read more

Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!