• nodbox

    Hi there!

    I'm still trying to get my head around Pure Data, and have been playing around with Eyesweb and TouchOSC for the past 24 hours.

    One thing I am really struggling with, is how to dismantle the OSC messages that I receive. I want to ultimately perform some math on the numbers coming in.

    This is pretty simple when dealing with one float, but the problem is with xy values that are concatenated - I can only access the first number. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but I've looked all over the net and can't find anything!

    Here is an extract from my patch;

    [udpreceive 7109]
    [routeOSC /4]
    [routeOSC /xy]

    As you can see, I only know how to get the x value from the OSC packet, which would look something like this;

    " /4/xy 0.59104 0.555622 "

    How can I separate, and ultimately extract the two values?

    Many thanks for taking the time.

    posted in technical issues read more
  • nodbox

    Thanks Maelstom!! - that was just the trick - I've managed to finish my patch now thanks to you :)

    posted in technical issues read more

Internal error.

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