• N.Senada

    Hello list,

    This might be a silly noob quetion, but...

    I'm trying to send waveform data through udp for realtime plotting. In order to do that, first I use the pack~ object to convert the signal to float packages, then I use the [send $1( message.

    Problem is, [send $1( only sends one value message, and then replaces the current value message with the next one.

    When I print the output of the pack~ object to the console, I get 64 values at a time, which I think is the current pd buffer. This is the kind of behaviour I'm looking for.

    But I need to send, say, at least 40k of values or maybe even a lot more.

    One workaround would be writing to a file, but it's too slow for 'realtime' updates.

    Another insane solution would be to enter at least 40.000 individual $ variable declarations in the [send $( message... :)

    I guess I'm looking for a way to buffer the values and then send the buffer as one $-type variable...?

    Many thanks for any respose.

    posted in technical issues read more
  • N.Senada

    Well, I was a bit unclear about this..., sorry. I was trying to communicate with another (local) app, so I use the [send( message connected to [netsend]. [send] and [send~] objects are for communicating within a patch, so they won't work. Thx anyway.

    YES, Spot on! That was exactly was I was looking for. Now I have to study a bit how to change the blocksizes or maybe use [capture] to send more than 64 bytes at a time. BIG gratitude towards you.

    Haven't had time to try your patch yet, but will do soon. Actually, the idea for this came from a 3D modelling program called Rhinoceros. They have an 'extension' called Grasshopper which in turn has another 'extension' (or 'plugin' maybe...) called gHowl, which allows for communicating through udp/osc, spreadheets etc. One of the gHowl examples shows how to send sinewave data from Processing to Grasshopper and represent it as graphic vectors, and I wanted to do the same, but with pd.

    check grasshopper here: http://www.grasshopper3d.com/

    check gHowl here: http://www.grasshopper3d.com/group/ghowl

    posted in technical issues read more
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