• markens

    GEM seems not to like some video codecs (i'm working with windows). I tried changing them and finally one worked on my computer (h.263) and i was able to see the video in the GEM window. However when I copied the whole project to a different computer, whenever i open the videos GEM goes black and stays this way.

    this is what pd is saying to me:

    [pix_filmNEW]: opening D:/!ogrody sztuki pliki/pd-patcher/h263.mov with format 1908
    Trying DirectShow
    pix_movieDS: xsize 352 ysize 288 csize
    [pix_filmNEW]: loaded file: D:/!ogrody sztuki pliki/pd-patcher/h263.mov with 1 frames (352x288) at -1.000000 fps

    What draws my attention is the last bit "opened [...] with 1 frames" but maybye only because i don't know what it refers to. There's no error so I assume that everything is okay for pd. I checked gem tutorials and video doesn't work there either. I think there are all necessary codecs on this machine. Now i'm going to encode the .mov in all availbe ways and check if any of them will work. Meanwhile, please say what you think it may be, and possibly how to get over this!

    thanks in advance

    posted in technical issues read more

Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!