• Lucho

    I'm trying to make a ctlin object listen to a specific midi channel,
    and passes through the cc number to the second outlet, and value to the first.
    I tried using a wildcard argument instead of the cc number (ctlin * 16) with no luck.
    ¿How can I achieve that?

    Thanks in advance

    posted in technical issues read more
  • Lucho

    Thank you for answering. I did achieve a solution similar to yours not after trial an error a bit after my post, based on a lost post i found later, and managed to make it an abstraction. It feels good to know I wasn't soooo wrong... I'm totally new to puredata (¡1 week!) and to programming altogether (besides music, lighting desks or basic or Z80 assembler). So I'm making my very very first steps with this. I'm sure my patch isn't elegant too... :)

    ¡Thanks for your time!




    posted in technical issues read more

Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!