• lewis


    I posted a couple of questions a little while ago, but I'm still very much a noobie. I have two questions about a simple computer keyboard sampler I'm working on.

    1. I assume that before every time I want the [readsf~] object to read a file, there has to be a message telling it to open that file. I assume that, because that's the only way I get the [readsf~] to play a sound file more than once, by constantly feeding it the [open../etc.( message. So I send that message to the respective sound file every time the respective key that triggers that sound file is lifted, with a [keyup] object, so that the next time that key is pressed, that sound file is played again. This strategy seems to work well in my lewiskrayboardsample.pd patch I attached to this message (uses the q, s, d and f keys), so why is it that I am constantly getting an error message saying "error: readsf: start requested with no prior 'open'"?

    2. In order to clean things up and make things a little bit easier to work with I decided to put everything in subpatches except for the [open../soundfile( message. this is the other attached file: lewiskrayboardsample2.pd. (I'll attach this patch in my next message since I can only do one attachment at a time). Theoretically it seems like it should work exactly the same as my previous patch lewiskrayboardsample.pd, but for some reason the sound always breaks whenever I try to "slur" two notes together (say, playing 's' immediately after playing 'q'). I have no idea why defining things in subpatches makes it do this.

    Obviously I didn't think it necessary to include the sound files I was using, you can just substitute your own sound files.

    I would really appreciate it if anyone can tell me why this stuff is going on! Thanks a bunch!



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  • lewis

    During the past few weeks I've been trying to set my foot in this pd thing. The weird part about it is what is seemingly complicated is often much easier to do than I thought, and I end up getting totally blocked by the things I thought would be real simple.
    So I got this fft reverb thing I borrowed from the examples. Instead of having the audio signal going straight in, I want to have a fade lasting 2 seconds (or whatever) every time an attack is detected; ie I don't want attacks to be analyzed by the fft reverb.
    Attached below is my patch, so you can see what I'm talking about:
    The only object I know that detects audio attacks and sends out a bang is the [fiddle~]. So I hook the attack banging to the message [1 2000( going into the [line~~], so
    ! \
    ! \
    ! fiddle, bang on attack, [1 2000(, line~
    ! /
    [pd fft] etc.

    Am I way off? Why doesn't that do anything? I don't even get any error messages.

    Thanks, sorry again for being such a noobie!



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  • lewis


    The [harmgen~] object I'm using only produces 10 partials. Is there any way to produce more partials? some other object?


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  • lewis


    I know so many of these posts start out like "I'm just starting and I don't know anything.." but I just started pd a few days ago and have virtually no programming experience, so sorry if this is ANNOYING.

    For the past couple of days I've been trying to do something I thought would be real simple. I have a fiddle making sine waves with an [osc~], and (maybe since the amplitude range for fiddle is 80-120) the sound clicks when it starts and stops. I would like to make a slow fade in / fade out anyway so if the thing goes slightly under 80dB the sound doesn't just stop dead, ie so there's some buffer time. So I've tried the [line~], [ear~], [ASRenvelope], and some other objects, searched through this forum, but I can't get anything to do what I want. I thought this would be real simple since my sounds are generally real slow, and i just want the sine to come in and fade out in a slow laid back kind of way. What's (/ is there) a simple way to do this?

    THANKS :)

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  • lewis

    Thanks for your help! After getting my mind around the soundfiler and table objects my patch is working much better.


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  • lewis

    here's the other file i was talking about..

    Thanks again!



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  • lewis

    Thanks a billion! seems pretty obvious now that you point it out!


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  • lewis

    Hey, I guess it didn't work cause i don't see no attachments.

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  • lewis

    That's weird my computer still says the file's corrupt. Why do you have to compress the file before attaching it?


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  • lewis

    Thanks Wednesday, but I can't open either of your zips cause it says it's corrupt.


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  • lewis

    found a solution so I thought i'd post in case someone else has the same question ; the [cheby~] object seems to be able to produce an unlimited number of harmonics :-p

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  • lewis

    Thanks for the quick reply. Very clear. Now all I have to do is figure out how to define the attacks/releases as bang objects, I think that's what was ultimately blocking me. but I'll try to figure that one out on my own!

    Thanks again,

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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!