• ksujata

    I'm looking to create a multi-channel sound installation in a space (basically a hallway that maybe 30 meters in length), and I'm wondering if it's possible to simulate how it would sound to a person walking through this space. So basically, I want to place speakers in a virtual space (outputting some king of output), and then have a point of reference move from one end of the hallway to the other (simulating someone walking through this array of speakers). Is there some kind of library in Pd for doing this kind of stuff, or anywhere you guys think I should start?


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  • ksujata


    For the last 6 months, I've been using Pd for playing live sets, in the following way.

    I have a master set patch, that load the track in the set as separate patches, each with their own switch~ statements, and midi switches (basically, if you aren't switched on, then you won't receive any midi signals, but when you are you do. This is done with the help of the $0 functionality). This way I can use one or two controllers and a mixer to control each track separately, but not have the controls of what I'm doing in one track effect the other tracks.

    Because of this, I can only play a track, fade it out to silence, then turn other the next track (something do with with synching of switch~ between patches causes clicking and noise). I want a way of playing track one after the other without having to fade the other tracks out, more like a proper set.

    Any suggestions on what I can do? (ex. can I make subpatches have their own $0 value for example. I understand that abstractions have a seperate $0 value, but it doesn't make much sense to make a track as an abstraction.)


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  • ksujata

    I've been seeing a different issue. For me it plays the videos too fast (also using pix_film), so a 23.98 fps video will finish my faster than the song is expecting it to. This became a problem when I switched to the new version of Pd. Before that, the same patch had no problems.

    posted in pixel# read more
  • ksujata

    @Psyko said:

    "it doesn't make much sense to make a track as an abstraction"

    why not?

    Good point. I mean if using abstractions will get over the issue then I should do it. I could also be a problem with the block size. I`m running 96khz so maybe I need a larger block size (though I never really understood the block math).

    Thanks for your suggestions. I`ll go try a few things out and see how it goes.

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Internal error.

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