• kddo11


    I've been combing through the forums and the m_pd.h file, and don't see any easy way to get the subpatch ID from an external. (aka the $0)

    Is there some method to get the identifier from within an external, or will i just have to hook a $0 float box up to an inlet of my external if i want to access the id?

    thanks much.

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  • kddo11

    I've been working on a project using pd and the raspberry pi that includes writing Pd-extended externals on my mac.

    When I came to debug the externals that were working flawlessly on my mac, I was getting segfaults on the pi. I tried to reduce the two externals that seemed to cause trouble together to their simplest states, which can be seen here.

    As you can see, the code for the two objects are almost identical. However, when creating a patch, whichever external gets put into the patch first gets the message sent to the second one!

    For instance, i might open pd-extended and make a blank patch, add the 'cmidi' object and attach a float to it, then add the 'elswating' object and attach a float to it. Now, if I click the float attached to elswating, the pd window will post "cmidi bang!", when it should post "elswating bang!".

    this phenomena occurs in reverse if the elswating object were created first, with floats to either object posting "elswating bang!".

    I compiled the code on the raspbpi using the "Pd library template version 1.0.14" that can be found here. The compilation spits out a "*.l_arm" file that I rename to "*.pd_linux", otherwise pd-extended fails to load them altogether.

    I should also mention that I place the binaries in the '~/pd-externals' folder, and have also tried putting them in '/usr/local/lib/pd-externals' to no success.

    Thanks in advance for any help!

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  • kddo11

    Thanks for the reply katjav!

    I noticed earlier that the float response method had the same name in both objects, and it appears that this is what was tripping Pd up. I changed the name from "out_bang" to "snout_bang" in one of the objects, and voila, it works. Very strange.

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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!