• jthanolipants


    After doing some research I've found someone who has already done this:

    I tinkered with his pd file and came up with these shenanigans.



    posted in technical issues read more
  • jthanolipants

    Hi all, I too am new to pd.

    I spent many hours searching the internet for some sort of midi triggering color program. This patch (script, code, whatever the native tongue is) is fantastic.

    Because I am new to this entire program, I have no idea how to read or write anything, but that last patch was easy enough to play with and looks great.

    I have a few requests for someone smarter than I:

    • velocity controlled fade-in for the colors (softer/slower)

    • maybe some sort of legato control to fade the colors between each other.

    I am not sure how easy either of those would be to program, but it make some really great effects possible in a live scenario.


    posted in technical issues read more

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