• jpmaxxy

    Hi there I am a newbie to Pd and Arduino but I have an Uno and a question for you. I followed this article - http://nf-interactive.blogspot.ie/2011/02/arduino-data-to-pure-data.html - successfully getting a Force sensor communicating to the Arduino and my Pd patch however I would like to run multiple sensors (three for now!) simultaneously and I have looked for a simple explanation but I cannot find one how is this done?

    Here is what I thought my Arduino code should look like -

    int powerPin = 8;

    void setup() {
    pinMode(powerPin, OUTPUT);

    void loop() {

    int sensorValueA0 = analogRead(A0);
    int sensorValueA1 = analogRead(A1);
    int sensorValueA5 = analogRead(A5);
    digitalWrite(powerPin, HIGH);

    sensorValueA0 = sensorValueA0 / 4;
    sensorValueA1 = sensorValueA1 / 4;
    sensorValueA5 = sensorValueA5 / 4;
    delay(70); // delay in between reads for stability

    I understand that this would output analog values one after another through the serial port into the comport. For example sensor 1 2 and 3 could read the following: 0 59 243 0 65 246 0 80 250. This is what I am assuming is happening from watching the Arduinos serial monitor?
    Basicly I would like to have [comport] have 3 outputs to 3 number boxes which will manipulate my musical patch - but I am not sure how to do this.

    Thank you for any help!

    posted in I/O hardware diyread more
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