• JoyrexJ9

    I've been learning Pure Data and as a learning exercise I thought I'd recreate the classic Roland SH101 synth.
    Now I think I've nailed most of it; the oscillators, the LFO, the ADSR, the main audio routing etc. The problem is ... it doesn't sound much like a 101. Well it sort of does, but the issue is the filter.

    I'm using [resofilt~] as my filter as it seemed the closest to what I needed, but it's sadly lacking. It's hasn't got that buzzy self-oscillation "bite" on the resonance, and a lot of the overall warmth and punch of the 101 is gone.

    Is there a good alternative to [resofilt~]? (I looked through the list of filters and was baffled!) or should I maybe be using a series of filters?

    Anyone else got tips on making Pure Data sound better? Or am I simply asking too much of it?


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  • JoyrexJ9

    Thanks. Just been looking at [muug~] and I can't seem to get it to do anything!
    With [moog~] and [resofilt~] I put my cutoff in the range of 0-2000 and the Q in the range 0-4 and it works.

    No matter what values (I've tried everything) I put into the second & third inlets of [muug~] I get nothing, occasionally I can get it to put out a crude rumble but it doesn't resemble anything like the sound I've put in. What on earth am I doing wrong?

    I'm using the compiled saturno put up version here http://puredata.hurleur.com/viewtopic.php?pid=17609#p17609

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  • JoyrexJ9

    I tried using Maelstrom's band-limited pulse and saw waves but it has made almost no difference to the overall sound :(

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  • JoyrexJ9

    @dwan said:

    I don't know what oscillators you use, but for synths recreation people generally use band-limited oscillators. This may be where a bit of your warm tone is !

    I'm just using the standard [phasor~] object and from that creating a square wave (with pulse-width adjustment). I also use that to create the saw-wave the 101 has.

    I'm adjusting the DC offset (centring the wave about the 0 axis) and ensuring the wave goes from -1 to 1. But that's the only changes to the wave forms I make

    I'll look into band-limited oscillators, would I just pass them through a band-pass filter?

    EDIT - Just found Maelstrom's amazing stuff here http://puredata.hurleur.com/sujet-4440-bandlimited-oscillators Thanks!

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