• JoshDennis

    Terribly sorry to bother everybody with beginner problems, but I'm positively stumped at the moment. I made an additive synth whose fundamental frequency is controlled by a vslider. Upon loading the patch the synth works just fine, but once the fundamental value is adjusted it introduces a square-wave-like buzz into the signal that can't be removed unless I end up turning down the master volume (an hslider being fed into a multiply object). I have fifteen oscillators whose individual volumes are controlled via hslider, and the really strange thing about this setup is that the aforementioned buzzing noise persists even if all the oscillators are individually turned to zero. I know it isn't a problem with my hardware, as a tabwrite reveals that the waveform is nowhere near clipping. Any help would be massively appreciated.

    Patch included below

    • Josh


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  • JoshDennis

    Oh man! That did it. Definitely kicking self right now. Many many thanks for pointing that out. Hopefully my questions in the future will be of a less derpy quality.

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  • JoshDennis

    Coloscope: I've alternated between using [line] with

    • and [line~] with [*~], but the problem persists.

    mod: My latency is normally at 500 ms, and I've tried turning it up to 1000, 2000, and 5000 to no avail.

    It's very peculiar to me that you guys can't see it - I can see the buzz in the waveform when I analyze it in the array I have there. I attached a jpeg of the waveform to show that I'm not hallucinating this. Thanks to both of you for getting back to me. Hopefully I can get to the bottom of this with more assistance.

    Edit: Something of note I should have mentioned is that when switching between signal and nonsignal objects as Coloscope suggested, I discovered that when individually changing the

    • to [*~] or vice versa, the waveform of this anomaly I'm suffering from changes as though I were adding the affected oscillators to it.


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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!