• JC

    Hi all,

    Does anyone know of an external or any other way that will output the sample rate and bit rate of an aif file?

    I am creating a patch that randomly plays parts of an audio file of random lengths (within min and max ranges). For this i need to know the length in samples of the audio file so that i can seek to anywhere within this range using [readsf~]. As I intend to be able use large files ( > 30 mins) [soundfiler] isn't really an option. I'm going to have to know the sample rate and bit rate so that i can work out the total length in seconds of the sound file to set the min and max ranges based upon this.

    There may even be an easier way to find out the length in seconds of an aif file that i'm not aware of.

    [wavinfo] gives me exactly what i need, but with one major setback -it only accepts .wav files. I could just be missing something really easy here, but have not found a method to do so anywhere.

    Any help on the matter would be greatly appreciated.


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