• Jack49

    How to compile the "knob" external?

    I was using Pure Data Extended on a MacBook Pro (0.42.5 extended) with MacOS 10.5.8. I am switching to a new confoguration, an iMac with MacOS 10.9.1 and Pd-extended 0.43.4.

    However, on this version, some external are missing, including the "knob" button which I use a lot. I tried to compile it (from the source in flatgui), but I got messages like "error Unsupported architecture" from the compiler.

    I tried to compile the "helloworld" example (which worked on the MacBook pro). The compilation (with the provided Makefile) works, the pd_darwin file is in the lib path, but when I type [helloworld] I get an error "dlopen () no suitable image found. Did find: .../helloworld.pd_darwin: mach-o, but wrong architecture".


    Can somebody help me find the compiled knob.pd_darwin for this architecture, or, even better, indicate me the correct configuration to compile externals for Pd ?

    Many thanks !


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  • Jack49

    Thanks again, Sebfumaster, you are right. The gcc I use compiles by default for x86_64 architecture. I put "-arch i386" in the Makefile, and it worked correctly. You have saved me a lot of debugging.



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  • Jack49

    After checking the contents of the Pd-extended.app, I found that the knob.pd_darwin binary is in extra/flatgui (while it was in extra/flatspace in the 0.42.5 build). If I use the full name :
    it works, and I do get the actual and working button. Which somehow solves the problem.

    However, the messages :
    memento: can't load library
    pixeltango: can't load library
    rradical: can't load library
    toxy: can't load library
    flib: can't load library
    flatspace: can't load library
    pidip: can't load library

    indicate that pd is trying to load libraries that do not exist in this version, while they were present in 0.45, and the missing knob shows that pd do not load the libraries that are referenced in :

    So a possibility is that there is somewhere a "preferences" file, created with an earlier version of pd, that take precedences over the default.plist.

    OK - just found the information. The old preference files are in ~/Library/Preferences/org.puredata... After moving these in a different directory, Pure data works correctly, and find the [knob] button !

    Now, I still have the problem to compile "hello world" :-)

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  • Jack49

    Hi ! Thanks for your answer.

    The version I use is the one from the page "http://puredata.info/downloads/pd-extended", known as :
    "Pd-extended for Mac OS X (47.2MB)
    Intel (Macbook, Mac Pro, Air, etc)", file name:
    which I believe is the 32 bits one.

    At startup, the console shows :

    memento: can't load library
    pixeltango: can't load library
    rradical: can't load library
    toxy: can't load library
    flib: can't load library
    flatspace: can't load library
    pidip: can't load library

    The "about" menu prints :
    Pd Version: 0.43.4-extended
    Tcl Version: 8.5.11

    When I enter [knob], I get on the console :
    ... couldn't create

    Now, since you asked the question, I download the 64 bits version of Pd-etended.
    The console displays :

    WARNING: 64-bit builds are still beta, some libraries are known to have serious issues (hid, Gem, gem2pdp, tclpd, cyclone, maxlib, moonlib, moocow, pdp, bsaylor, etc.)
    For more info, see the README.txt in '64-bit-warning-plugin' in the Help Browser

    /Applications/Pd-extended-64.app/Contents/Resources/Scripts/../extra/tclpd/tclpd.pd_darwin: dlopen(/Applications/Pd-extended-64.app/Contents/Resources/Scripts/../extra/tclpd/tclpd.pd_darwin, 10): Symbol not found: _TclFreeObj
    Referenced from: /Applications/Pd-extended-64.app/Contents/Resources/Scripts/../extra/tclpd/tclpd.pd_darwin
    Expected in: dynamic lookup

    memento: can't load library
    pixeltango: can't load library
    rradical: can't load library
    toxy: can't load library
    flib: can't load library
    flatspace: can't load library
    pidip: can't load library

    It seems that the same library are missing in both versions...

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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!