• J5

    ill start keeping that in mind as i start dealing with more samples. thanks again for all the help! J5

    posted in patch~ read more
  • J5

    hardoff, thanks for the response! and sorry mine comes so late. checking the samples, they are all def. 44.1khz and its looking like the click removal may be the issue-the rate problem is more apparent on samples with relatively higher gain/waveforms with more clipping.

    out of curiosity though, what's your process for sampling? ive just essentially been cutting samples w/recycle & exporting them. maybe the issue lies somewhere in that?

    posted in patch~ read more
  • J5

    first off let me say this patch is killer and i'm having an awesome time toying around with it! i'm very new to PD and hoping i'll be able to make something remotely close to your patches eventually.

    i was wondering some more about what hummm said concerning tempos and the loops i introduce--for some reason, even when i adjust the bpm to what the loop actually is, i can't seem to get the loop to sound right.

    i guess i'm basically just wondering if there's a way to get the loops to sounds appropriate, because what i'm really hoping to do w/this is patch is establish the original loopand then deconstruct it/add other loops, etc. don't know if this makes sense or if there's an answer, but let me know what you all think!

    thanks again for sharing a very sweet patch!

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