• huiii

    hello list,

    i got installed from src:
    pd-extended 0.39
    gem 0.41
    pdp 0.12.5

    newest cvs ffmpeg "stable" release

    no problems here, everything works fine.

    nevertheless pidip won't compile on my system.
    (ubuntu hardy 8.04 64bit)
    it stops here, with this output in terminal:

    ... -I/home/jo/apps/PureData/Pd-0.39.3-extended/pd/src -I. -I/home/jo/apps/PureData/pdp-0.12.4/include -I../include -I../charmaps -I/home/jo/apps/ffmpeg/libavcodec -I/home/jo/apps/ffmpeg/libavformat -o pdp_capture.o -c pdp_capture.c
    pdp_capture.c: In function 'XMyClientWindow':
    pdp_capture.c:129: warning: implicit declaration of function 'XWindowByProperty'
    pdp_capture.c: In function 'XMyGetWindowImage':
    pdp_capture.c:335: warning: implicit declaration of function 'XDestroyImage'
    pdp_capture.c:339: error: 'Visual' has no member named 'klass'
    pdp_capture.c:340: error: 'Visual' has no member named 'klass'
    pdp_capture.c:398: error: 'Visual' has no member named 'klass'
    pdp_capture.c:399: error: 'Visual' has no member named 'klass'
    pdp_capture.c:440: error: 'Visual' has no member named 'klass'
    pdp_capture.c:453: warning: implicit declaration of function 'XGetPixel'...

    does anybody know why?
    anything would help me...
    this drives me nuts. :|
    thanks in advance

    posted in extra~ read more
  • huiii

    hello there,

    first of all, i am new to pd, so i might have strange questions:

    i have pd-extended working fine on my linux-laptop and learning every day something new.
    now i want to dive into lines and pixels and need to understand some stuff, like if it is possible in general to create new "pix" objects?
    or how can i change already existing objects like "pix_rtx" to begin with?
    is there a way to have a look into the script behind any object?
    is there a way to swap my self the x-axis with the time-axis of a sample?
    one of this would be for me an opportunity to understand more about video and pd...

    please, if somebody could point me into the right direction?
    thanks in advance

    posted in pixel# read more
  • huiii

    hello there!

    there is this great object [pix_rtx]
    it works perfectly,
    BUT now i want to adjust some parameters in this object:
    the time-swap works now like a scan line going from left to right or vise-versa.
    i would like to change the velocity of that time-swap...
    any idea how to find this script and try to change it there?
    many thanks

    posted in technical issues read more
  • huiii

    sorry for my last post, i must ahve been in a strange state of mind and gave wrong info, too, now i corrected it.

    to compile pd-extended, you need to foolow those instructions:


    later, those could be helpful too:


    and at the end those inside: ../Pd-0.XX.X-extended/packages/linux_make/README where very usefull.

    unfortunately there libdir loaders of 0.40 version won't compile,
    pidip, OSCx and other externals won't compile neither, so I ended up hacking the Makefile in ../Pd-0.XX.X-extended/externals and ../Pd-0.XX.X-extended/packages.
    At the end I had a succsesful installation, but as the compilation of libdir failed, all the externeals couldn't load, leaving me with a normal Pd / Gem / Pdp installation, basically. I tried to compile libdir against the former version "Pd-0.39.3-extended", and that worked. the compiled libdir.pd_linux however was not accepted by Pd-0.40.0-extended.
    compiling Pd-0.39.3-extended's libdir.c against Pd-0.40.0-extended.spew out the same errors as before.
    So, for me, it does not work...

    I ended up again removing the whole thing and followed the intruction of myo.
    (thanks myo),
    followed this "howto install 32-bit .deb packages on 64-bit":
    and this one about how to install missing 32-bit libs using getlibs:

    some packeges couldn't be found by apt-get, so I had to get them here:
    by typing the missing libs in the searchfield,
    downloading the i386 versions,
    opening those .deb packages with "Archive Manager" and browsing to data.tar.gz/./usr/lib/
    selecting all the files and extracting them to /usr/lib32/

    this worked pretty good.
    pidip is working,
    all externals are loaded,
    thanks very much!

    ..wow, looks beautiful, and works very nice, thanks again :)

    posted in technical issues read more
  • huiii

    i managed to compile pd 0.40 / Gem 0.91.0 / pdp 0.12.5 on xubuntu hardy 8.04 64bit without any big problem.
    the clue is that, once you want to compile any src on linux, you normally would cd into the src-folder. if inside that folder, you cannot find the ./configure file you're expecting, than you will need to let build this file. you will need autoconf-tools, etc, installed and than you can cd into your src-folder and type:

    $ aclocal
    $ autoconf

    it than builds the files you need.
    now you do
    $ ./configure --help and check the options.
    also read the INSTALL file for additional help
    $ ./configure --<options> --<moreoptions>
    <--only @compilation pd/src you will need to do $ make depend, before proceeding>
    $ make -j2
    $ sudo make install

    everything runs nice,
    compiling pidip, gridflow is pain in a..
    no avail...
    btw, the last time i had a pd-extended.deb installed (on my old laptop 32bit)
    gem could just playback quicktime and mpeg. i found it very poor, compiling from sorce is better, you gain avi, and much more...so for now it has to work without pidip..)

    good luck

    posted in technical issues read more
  • huiii

    now i spent my sunday trying stuff to solve my problem and ended up uninstalling all pure-data components and now i installed:

    pd 0.41.4
    gem 0.91.0
    pdp 0.12.5

    and i still get the same error pasted above when trying to compile pidip.

    posted in extra~ read more
  • huiii

    i answer it myself:

    to have a look into the code of an object, like [pix_rtx], which is to find in Gem,
    u have to download the uncompiled source-code of Gem.
    there u will be able to find the object you're searching for.
    in my case here: ../Gem/src/Pixes/pixes_rtx.cpp
    open it with an c++ editor, like gedit, eclipse, blablabla.

    posted in pixel# read more
  • huiii

    how about veejay for linux? it can connect to pd via sendVims and records both video and sound.?. i never tryed myself but i know it works.

    posted in pixel# read more

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