• Hot Grill 2

    Thanks! Works perfectly. I should look through the help files and experiment more before I post silly questions.

    posted in technical issues read more
  • Hot Grill 2

    Is there a Pd function like this, where you can store a value and then fetch it somewhere else, so that you can make your wires neater? I know you can use tables with one value but it would save a little time and in some cases look a little neater if you didn't have to make another box with an index number. Or is there a way to create a table with one value, and have Pd automatically use 0 for the index whenever you read from it or write to it?

    Edit: Furthermore, is there a function that sends out a bang every time something somewhere else receives a bang, for the same purposes of making wires neater?

    posted in technical issues read more
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