• Far-I

    Hi, first time here. I'm trying to chain 2 tables that I use as part of a sequencer. Just 2 measures of 8 notes. I'm using a modulo and then, I'm using a "sel 0" to send a bang to "alternate", but then I'm stuck. There's probably a better way to do this. Thanks in advance!

    edit: Found my answer: I just had to use "set" after alternate for the table being read... I can't believe I didn't think about that.

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  • Far-I

    you don't really need any hardware,if you don't have any.You can use your computer keyboard, you can use a gamepad for PS3 which is really cool, you can use sensors, an electric toothbrush.... Maybe these tutorials could help you. http://www.pd-tutorial.com/english/ch03s02.html (the whole book is awesome).
    Another really good book is here: http://dm.ncl.ac.uk/courseblog/files/2011/02/pd_intro.pdf

    I do ambient drones with PD and use a lot of sine waves and filtered noise,It's fascinating the amount of great sounds you can get just by using filters and a couple oscillators, you can use Freeverb as a reverb that is really good for drones but something that's really awesome is patches that Tom Erbe from SoundHack released based on his free plugins, you should get those, they're awesome for drones, it's based on spectral synthesis:(soundhack.com/freeware). You can also use VST plugins in PD but you need the Pdvst abstraction.

    posted in I/O hardware diyread more
  • Far-I

    thanks for all the work you guys have been doing. I'm really stoked about this new release. Magic Glass is great for debugging. Can't wait to get into GUI editing more. Also little details, like the signal cords being wider is great.

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  • Far-I

    @Coalman said:

    up above Billy Stiltner was talking about the RealTek audio drivers for windows 7...this may be off topic but don't install those!

    I guess it depends because I was having problems before I installed the RealTek audio drivers on my machine, which are supposed to be the ones installed by the company by the default for my computer model. I couldn't record into Audacity in real time at all. So, It made me realise that we should never let Microsoft update our drivers. Now, with the RealTek drivers, everything works like a charm, so never generalize!

    Regarding running multiple app with Asio4all, there's Asio server that is pretty good to run multiple apps. That's the only way I was able to use Ableton synced with other apps.

    On another note, I started using Bidule with PureData and Geosonix and was using Loopbe1. You can only use 1 port! You can always buy Loopbe30 which is 20$, but I found Loopmidi, which is free. So, regarding virtual midi interfaces, check out LoopMIDI. And if it pisses you off that Asio4all is limited, well, get Asio Server here:

    And here's a good article on how to optimize Windows 7 for music. What to upgrade, what services to stop:


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