• dynamis

    Can I manage 1000 osc with pd ? Is it possible for a computer to run 1000 osc in the same time ?
    Can I ask pd to create 1000 osc, to connect each of them with an amplifier whose value will be assign by an algorithm giving a different value for each amplifier ?
    For the creation of the osc, can I create an algorithm who will, according to some information I give it (the frequency of each osc must be a multiple of 5, frequency between 100 and 1000), create each osc ? Can I do the same kind of thing for the enveloppe ?

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  • dynamis

    Hy, first time with pd.
    I don't know how to make an osc go through all the frequencies between a value (x) to an other value (y) in a certain time. For instance, from 960 to 60, going through 959 - 958 - ... - 61 - 60, in 1 second, and from 60 to 960 in 1 second.

    Is it about pitchshifting ? Or is it about linking an object to the osc to change its frequency of a certain amount every x millisecond to have 60 hz after 1 seconde ? Can you help me ?

    posted in technical issues read more
  • dynamis

    wow great :)

    Can you guide me a little ? I've never wrote an algorithm. Where do I have to began ? What do I have to study in pd ?

    posted in technical issues read more
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