• dkanaga


    I have a friend who is working on programming a game in C++. I was wondering if it is possible at all to somehow get Pd running inside of a compiled C++ program, essentially functioning as an audio engine. I found the thread about running Pd alongside a C++ app, using its variables (http://puredata.hurleur.com/sujet-249-punoogle), but I am interested in if there is any way to run them in the same app.

    The main reason I think this might be possible is that I saw a presentation on the music for the game Spore, which was done using Pd. The audio team may have had to compile a new version of Pd to get it working inside the game engine, but they apparently did get it working.

    Does anyone know anything about doing this? Are there any good tutorials for something like this that are lying around?

    Thanks so much!

    • David

    posted in technical issues read more
  • dkanaga


    I'm new to Pd, and programming in general, and I'm having problems with some relatively simple tasks :/

    I'm trying to write a patch that takes keyboard input to play notes, and then delays the note played so that it starts when the key is released, rather than when it is pressed. The note will then play for its full length (however long the user held down the key for).

    To do this, I wanted to use the timer object, with a pressed key starting the timer, and a released key stopping the timer. Right now, I'm using the [keyname] object to get the key pressed/released data, but am having troubles with it.

    It sends out a 1 when a key is pressed, and a 0 when it is released, and I thought this would be very helpful, but it does this continuously, so instead of getting one bang when a key is pressed, and one when it is released, I'm getting bangs all the time when a key is pressed.

    Basically, I'm trying to figure out a way to have a key press send out just one bang, and likewise for a key release, so that I can use those bangs to control the timer.

    Sorry for the longwinded description of such a (probably) simple problem.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks a lot! :)

    • David

    posted in technical issues read more
  • dkanaga

    It looks like it's probably going to require more effort than we're willing to put in to get a version of Pd to do this.

    We're still hoping to get something running where we have total control over synthesis/dsp/algorithms in the audio engine. Do any of you know if this is possible to do in any of the other popular sound programming languages, like, say, Supercollider?

    Thanks again!

    posted in technical issues read more
  • dkanaga

    Awesome. Thanks for the help, I'll have to keep chasing this. These articles look really great! :)

    posted in technical issues read more
  • dkanaga

    sorry, I'm new enough to pd that I don't know what some of this symbolic notation means.. I don't understand how [sel] can have "**" as its argument, as I thought it needed a number, to filter everything else out. When I tried this out, nothing was able to get past the [sel] object....

    also, I don't know what [0 ( means. It looks sort of like a message box, but I'm not sure what that would do :]

    also, the [keyup] object hasn't worked for me, because for some reason, it never waits until they key is actually up to send out a bang. it usually sends one out after 500 ms or so (unless the key is pressed down for shorter than that, then it will send out the bang when the key is released). The help file doesn't say anything about why that might be. It seems like a really bizarre language feature to me, which has made me think that maybe its a bug, but I've never really run into a bug in pd before, so that doesn't seem likely.

    Do you know how I could get [keyup] to wait and only send out a bang once the key is up? because that would solve the rest

    thanks again :)

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Internal error.

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