• dj1up

    Ok well I would consider myself lost and confused on how to get these three programs all talking to each other.....Im using Midi Yoke as my midi port(s). Ive watched I think every youtube video there is on this topic that i can find and still cant seem to get them all working together. I have set up a Adhoc network on my computer and can sync TouchOSC editor to my iphone. I can also get a sig sent to my phone on PD and i have been able to have a sig sent to PD from my phone but never at the same time. Ive been working on this for days and now i cant remember how i got one of the two working to get them both working at the same time. please can someone help me?? Im sure its very simple and easy to do but i feel like im trying to re invent the worlds first computer..... thanks.

    PS i know the iphone isnt the best controller to use since its soooo small but im up grading to a iPad in a month but until then......

    Sorry for any spelling its 5am here and working on coffee and ............ not sure what else really.....lol.


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