• colinkent

    Hey guys, so I've been working on a school project and thus far I've just been reading and downloading and dissecting patches to wrap my head around pd.

    So i'm not getting my computer to receive touchosc messages from my iPhone, I had it working the other day through "basic.pd" and have since been trying to get it to work on "simple-receive.pd" both downloaded from hexler.net where I i followed all the instructions on configuring my device.

    I've got TouchOSC bridge but i'm wondering if it's even needed as many tutorials don't even mention this, and the MIDI bridge on my iPhone hasn't recognized my computer even with it running. (manually input IP address)

    I followed this tutorial:

    and added mrpeach lib as well as changed [dumpOSC] to [udpreceive]-[unpackOSC] inside the "simple-receive.pd" and added the print object as well but still not receiving anything. (i've attached the original patch before any of my messing around)

    My end goal is to build my own RJDJ scene and control it via touchOSC, any help at all would be greatly appreciated!

    edit: also i'm wondering if it could have anything to do with being on my schools network? although i had it working through the same network the other day


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  • colinkent

    OH MY GOD! JOE! YOU'RE A SAINT! I guess TouchOSC is just working through the connection created through the RJ Server it's finally working!

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  • colinkent

    RJserver and that send stuff got set up perfectly and I know is gonna be a huge amount of help in developing the scene thanks! Now if I can just get touchOSC to work this well!

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  • colinkent

    Hey Joe, thanks for all the help!

    I'm not trying to use RJDJ on my device though, for example I just took "Hello World" scene out of RJ lib and opened it up in PD, and I want to use the layouts / controls for TouchOSC "simple-receive.pd"

    I've read that page as well as pretty much all of rjdj.me as well hexler.net, I haven't messed around the the send_sensor patch yet, only because I downloaded TouchOSC Bridge which is supposed to do this for me. I'll check out the RJserver and the send receive patches. I've really only been messing around with PD and all this stuff for a few weeks so I'm not sure I'm quite ready to make my own patch from scratch, which is why I'm trying to use RJDJ scene's to direct and figure out how the scenes work and such as well as maybe frankensteining a few of them together. With that said, if what I'm trying to do is implausible just tell me.

    I'm just stuck on trying to get TouchOSC to work because I paid a whole $5 for it and now I can't even get it to work.

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  • colinkent

    Thanks a lot Joe. Well hopefully that shouldn't be too much of a problem, I'm on Lion so RJC 1000 won't work anyways. I was planning on just taking a scene and using it on my computer via pure data and just assigning controls via TouchOSC, that shouldn't be a problem with the mrpeach externals, should it?

    I've already downloaded the RJ lib and example scenes and that's mostly what I've been fooling around with. Haven't had any issues thus far with RJDJ, just TouchOSC!

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