• biberkopf


    i am an absolute beginner in the field of electronic music software so i dont know where to start and what kind of possibilities there are. but i know programming in general.

    i have a sensor and reading out its data with a c++ program. i want to send this data to a PURE DATA patch. there are only 2 float variables i want to send to PURE DATA and there is no need for a data transfer from PURE DATA to C++.
    because the data is coming from a sensor the sending and recieving should happen in realtime. The data is beeing sent about 10 times a second.

    i need this stuff for a prototype and everything is happening on the same computer. so there is no need for portability and stuff like that. i'd prefer a simple and straight forward solution to this problem - if there is one.
    can anybody advice me how i can do this?


    posted in technical issues read more
  • biberkopf

    thank you. i added the osc pack classes to my c++ program and it seems to work. now, how can i receive those osc messages in pure data?

    posted in technical issues read more

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