• aprileon

    Thanks a lot, but I am getting compile errors. I think I won't follow this route. Now I found out that that all pmpd objects are included in the Purr Data distribution and I am trying to figure out why they don't load properly. EDIT: path to the library was missing - It works now.
    Best, Leo

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  • aprileon

    Interesting - haven't thought of physical modeling. On my Mac with Purr Data I have the [pmpd] object but not [pmpd~] and all the other objects like [mass]. I tired an installation from https://puredata.info/downloads/pmpd but it does not work. I am a bit lost since I do not find any instructions on how to compile from source as suggested. Any hints are welcome.

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  • aprileon

    Hi guys, I am creating an interactive installation with crystal-like objects and am looking for a suitable sound. It should sound somehow hollow, glassy and a bit "magic". I tried out a couple of standard synthesis techniques and was quite unhappy with the results so far. I was wondering which approach you would suggest and if there are any suitable patches around.

    Thx, Leo

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  • aprileon

    Hi, I would like to use the utime object, which on the left outlet is supposed to give you the seconds since epoch. However, in my case the last 4 digits are always 0 (so right now I get always 1.554780000), so essentially it is only updated after roughly 3 hours when the 5th digit increments. Right output (fraction in microseconds) is working fine, however. Is this an issue or am I missing something completely? Tested on Mac and RPI with same result. Any explanation is welcome - Thanks.

    posted in technical issues read more

Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!