• aoakenfo


    How difficult is it to implement a software synthesizer from scratch via code?

    What type of books - if any - would you recommend? I'm not even sure which category to search for, "software synthesizer" is too generic and commercial.

    Would it be best to start by reading the source code of an open source project like PD or SC? I suspect I would quickly become lost.

    Heavy math is not my strength. Should I just use a library?

    As you can probably guess, I'm pretty confused as to where to start! I wish there was a book that could walk me through the basics.

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  • aoakenfo


    I'm investigating pd and would like to learn it via Flash where I can experiment making sounds with my own UI. So, my question is, what are the general steps to get Flash->osc->pd going?

    * install an osc external (or does one come with pd-extended?)

    * get flosc up and running? or is there something better?

    * do I create a pure data osc patch? Is a server launched when pd starts? Or do I have to drop into code to get something configured?

    Basically, could someone please outline the general attack strategy to get me started in the right direction.

    Cheers =P

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  • aoakenfo


    this forum seems to be more appropriate: http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=33

    thx all!

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  • aoakenfo

    I'll have a flip through this book and report back:


    but any other suggestions on approach vector for learning this daunting subject material would be welcome.

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  • aoakenfo

    Yes, I was thinking about building it with C.

    I'm not looking to do patching for this particular project. I'd like to learn the basics of generating wave forms, applying filters, etc - all through C code.

    I've been coding for over 10 years now, so no worries there. Its more about the design, construction, and math involved. Again, a book that explains each step and walks you through building a basic soft synth would be ideal - I'm not sure if such a text exists.

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