• almostbutnotquite

    Hi there,

    I'm trying to get pd-extended running on my Raspberry Pi.

    Firstly - I have to say I'm NOT good with linux. It's not intuitive to me and I've been finding it tough trying to learn enough to get the pi up and running with what I want to do. I am happy using the CLI but I don't know many of the commands and any simple task seems to take me some time to do, so please don't assume any decent level of prior knowledge!

    Here is what I've done:
    1. Downloaded a fresh copy of the latest version of Raspbian Wheezy from http://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads
    2. Followed the instructions at http://puredata.hurleur.com/sujet-7277-puredata-running-raspberry:
    i. Open the sources list for editing (sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list)
    ii.add "deb http://apt.puredata.info/releases wheezy main" to the list
    iii.Ctrl + X to exit, answering yes to save changes
    iV. Refresh the apt-get (sudo apt-get update), ignoring the warning at the end
    v. sudo apt-get install pd-extended
    3.Once pd-extended has been installed I then run into a big problem. I can't open it!

    I get the following text if I try and run pd-extended:

    $ pd-extended -verbose -stderr -d 3
    Input channels = 2, output channels = 2
    set pd_whichmidiapi 2
    Pd-0.43.4 ("extended") compiled 00:11:03 Jan 25 2013
    port 5400
    TK_LIBRARY="/usr/lib/pd-extended/lib/tkd/library" wish8.5 "/usr/lib/pd-extended/tcl//pd-gui.tcl" 5400
    Waiting for connection request...
    watchdog: signaling pd...
    watchdog: signaling pd...
    watchdog: signaling pd...
    watchdog: signaling pd...

    The watchdog messages continue indefinitely (I've left it running for the past half hour and it's done nothing else but spew them out). If I pull power (the only thing I can think of to reboot the pi in this situation) then the file system corrupts and the pi puts the filesystem into read-only or crashes with a kdb error on reboot. This then requires re-flashing the SD card and starting again.

    I've been round this loop a couple of times now and can't see that I'm making a mistake following the instructions.

    Please can somebody advise me:
    1. what's going on!?
    2. how can I avoid damaging the filesystem in these situations?



    posted in technical issues read more
  • almostbutnotquite

    Thanks Glitchpop - I will look into pdpi in the mean time while I try and sort out whatever the issue is that I'm currently experiencing.

    There are videos online of people running pd-extended on pi so it must be possible.. I just can't seem to get it working following the instructions that should work!

    posted in technical issues read more
Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!