• Align Waivers

    Please help! Sooooo many hours trying to figure this out, should be simple I think but I'm not a sophisticated user of Linux.

    The Gem objects appear properly when I open the windows, but whenever I try to open/create a gemwindow, it immediately crashes (however, it seems to respond when I change the data - for instance, I can see color changes when i make those changes, but again, the gem window crashes immediately...)

    A possible solution lies here but haven't been able to get a response when I attempt to implement this

    Why does Gem crash when creating the Gem-window? !

    When I try to create a Gem-window, my X-server crashes (or worse)? btw, I am using Ubuntu/hoary with fglrx drivers.

    try setting the environment variable GEM_SINGLE_CONTEXT to 1

    Gem establishes an (invisible) openGL-context at startup, even if no Gem-window is created yet. When you create the Gem-window, a 2nd openGL-context is used (which shares some properties with the invisible context).

    For some reasons this seems to be not possible with some gfx-drivers (e.g. ATI's proprietary fglrx drivers) and some window-managers (i suspect compiz/beryll), leading to crashes of the X-server and/or system freezes.

    The current workaround is to set the environment variable GEM_SINGLE_CONTEXT=1, which prevents this dual-context magic.

    if you are starting Pd from the bash, you can start Pd/Gem with GEM_SINGLE_CONTEXT=1 pd -lib Gem
    on bash, you can also set this permanently by adding a the line export GEM_SINGLE_CONTEXT=1 to either ~/.bashrc (the bash-configuration file in your home-directory) or to /etc/bash.bashrc (to set it for all users)


    • newer linux user but though I followed compiling instructions for installing Gem, it seems never to create a conf file.. when I open pd-extended in terminal, I get this message:

    open: ./gem.conf: No such file or directory

    any thoughts or input would be VERY APPRECIATED, thanks!

    posted in technical issues read more
Internal error.

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