• actualjack

    Hey all,

    I've attached a picture of the problem I am facing with read file. I want my patch to read the number that has been written into a text file and display it in the number box. A little hard to explain what I mean but perhaps my picture will explain. Am I on the right track maybe?

    Many thanks,



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  • actualjack

    Hello, I've been working with the counter object and I am just wondering if there is a way you can set min and max numbers so that the counter can automatically reset without having to bang?

    I tried with |min $1| and |max $1| messages in the first inlet but the console said that it couldn't create.

    Any suggestions?

    Kind regards,

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  • actualjack

    Another video related query. Apologies.

    I'm wondering if there is anyway to enable videos to capture with a countdown (so every few seconds or so) or just automatically?

    using pix_record at the moment!


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  • actualjack

    Hey all!

    I've been working with |translateXYZ| object in order to arrange my videos in a grid in the GEM window.

    However when I try to arrange the videos in a 3X3 grid there is a knock on effect with each translate object. Is there away to prevent this from happening? It is difficult to organize the videos properly while this knock on effect is occuring.

    I have enclosed the patch for anyone to look at. It seems like such a little thing but I appear to be completely struggling.

    Kind regards,


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  • actualjack

    Hey there,

    Been working with read and write objects. I'm struggling to understand how to save information.

    I need a videogrid that i have made to load up everytime. So the video files are automatically in the GEM window.

    I need my patch to recognise the videos and load them each time I open the patch...is this possible?

    Thanks a lot!


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  • actualjack


    I've been looking for advice on multiple GEM windows but I haven't found any promising alternatives.

    I'm using two monitors and need a GEM window in each. Is the only way around this to make a gigantic GEM window and split it between the two screens?


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  • actualjack

    Hey there!

    Using textfile object but having problems writing text files.

    I can do it by manually selecting a pathway but after altering my patch for automated pathways, I have no idea how to write the text files.

    error: gatom: no method for 'write'

    Maybe the attached patch will make it clear!



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  • actualjack

    Hey there! New to the forum so I thought I would start off by asking a question about video.

    I am looking for a patch that will enable video delay on a live feed of video. How could I go about doing this?

    Thanks Very Much,


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  • actualjack

    Okay so I've taken the clear message away, should this help?

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  • actualjack

    Still can't quite get the problem...tried a rewind...nothing. Just need the text file to read the number and display it? Mind blowing.

    posted in technical issues read more

Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!