• Ace Slowman

    So I am following some of the tutorials on Flossmanuals (http://en.flossmanuals.net/pure-data/ch021_amplitude-modulation/), and I have run into a problem when using a phasor to modulate an oscillator. (first example). When I go to turn up the phasor, I get clicking. I can hear modulation underneath it, but the clicking is much louder. Any tips to getting this to work?


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  • Ace Slowman

    I just recently got Natty Narwhal on my laptop and decided to try PD with it. The sound card is HDA Intel i think.

    Currently when I open up PD, first of all "compute audio" is unchecked, and when it is checked, no sound comes through OSS, ALSA, or JACK, even sometimes saying "I/O Stuck Closing Audio".

    This wasnt always like that though

    Originally OSS and ALSA wouldnt work. I read this is something normal, some issue with pulseaudio or something conflicting with the card. I installed jack, and for a little bit, jack worked fine with it. When I went to install a jack plugin for VLC, all of the sudden I had all of these problems.

    Im pretty new to both PD and to Ubuntu, so any help would be appreciated.


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  • Ace Slowman

    THANK YOU! It looks like Ive got sound through JACK. Im still getting a load of A/D/A Sync errors, but nevertheless, this is a step forward.

    Yeah... the "DIO errors" box is flashing red every few seconds with an A/D/A sync error.

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  • Ace Slowman

    Makes sense now! Thank you.

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  • Ace Slowman

    This just in. Just tried to run it again, this time I got a little bit of crackling from pd and these messages. Still no sound though.

    11:16:24.152 JACK connection graph change.
    11:16:44.517 JACK connection graph change.
    11:16:44.617 JACK connection graph change.
    11:16:44.784 JACK connection change.
    11:16:57.326 XRUN callback (1).
    JackEngine::XRun: client = pure_data_0 was not run: state = 1
    JackAudioDriver::ProcessGraphAsync: Process error
    JackPosixMutex::Unlock res = 1
    JackAudioDriver::ProcessGraphAsync: Process error
    JackEngine::XRun: client = pure_data_0 was not run: state = 1
    JackAudioDriver::ProcessGraphAsync: Process error
    JackPosixMutex::Unlock res = 1
    JackEngine::XRun: client = pure_data_0 was not run: state = 1
    JackAudioDriver::ProcessGraphAsync: Process error
    JackPosixMutex::Unlock res = 1
    JackEngine::XRun: client = pure_data_0 was not run: state = 1
    JackAudioDriver::ProcessGraphAsync: Process error
    JackPosixMutex::Unlock res = 1
    11:16:57.367 JACK connection graph change.
    JackAudioDriver::ProcessGraphAsync: Process error
    11:16:57.481 JACK connection change.
    11:16:58.685 XRUN callback (3 skipped).

    EDIT: Jeeze... now ALSA is working. Still no jack. But no other sound is coming through with ALSA. Youtube wont play at the same time.

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  • Ace Slowman

    Thank you, ill have to check those cards out. I figure Im going to keep learning pure data until Im comfortable enough with it, then Ill upgrade. Ive installed Qjackctl as well as Jackd, and I installed the pulse-audio module. I even tinkered with the settings a little bit to reduce latency. Still no audio in PD. When I select jack in pd, it says "audio I/O stuck... closing audio". Then as Im typing this post, the DIO errors button is flashing red, bringing up "A/D/A sync errors", and a few unknown ones,

    Im not too familiar with what these errors mean, but I do know that this is just about the same situation I was in haha.

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  • Ace Slowman

    Thanks for the tips. So after some more tinkering I decided that I needed to reinstall ubuntu haha. So now Im back at the beginning. Pd doesnt seem to be working with OSS, ALSA is hit or miss, it works occasionally but never consistently. I havent installed anything for jack quite yet though.

    Could somebody explain how to set up jack properly for pd? I dont want to end up reinstalling ubuntu again haha. Im new enough to all of this that I dont particularly know how to set it up for my sound card either. If somebody could explain or point me in the direction of some explanation, that would be appreciated.


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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!