• _frenz_

    Maybe a silly question but do know a way to use < > == in pd for signal.

    I do not want to use expr~ as it is GPL and i want to use libpd

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  • _frenz_


    I am trying to build a lfo to control the cutoff frequency of the filter.

    [inlet~ signal]
    I [inlet cutFreq]
    I |
    I | [inlet range]
    I | |
    I | | [inlet~ lfo]
    I | | I
    I | [*~]
    I | I
    I [+~]
    I I [metro 1]
    I I |
    I [snapshot~]
    I |
    I | [inlet resonance]
    I | |
    [pd filter] (1.signal,2.frequency,3.resonance)

    I try to explain my problem with examples.

    Inlet frequency : 10 HZ
    Range: 10000 HZ
    LFO: 2 HZ

    So it means, in one second the frequency goes from 10 to 10000 HZ two times.

    The sound is ok so no problem for 2 HZ lfo, i also can't hear any sound below 30 hz so a little silence occurs when lfo set the frequency below 30 hz which is ok.


    Inlet frequency : 10 HZ
    Range: 10000 HZ
    LFO: 10 HZ
    In one second the frequency goes from 10 to 10000 HZ ten times.

    But it sounds is like it is waving between 3000-8000 HZ so the sharp cut off moves can not be achieved with high hertz. The problem starts to begin with the lfo hertz goes up to 3 Hz.

    I tested in some software synthesisers it can do even without a problem at 20 HZ

    So what is the problem, where should i look? Is the problem is snapshot?, at 10HZ one cycle will 100ms and the resolution should be 100 for metro 1 ms which should be ok. I am missing something! any help would be great.

    Note: LFO is sine wave and the inlet signal is 50 harmonics falling saw wave.

    Thank you in advance.

    posted in technical issues read more
  • _frenz_

    Thank you great!

    posted in technical issues read more
  • _frenz_

    thank you both, i will look into that

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