This patch is basically just a toy that draws spriographic images and makes strange noises. the dsp is turned on and a random sequence starts automatically at startup. Toggle the auto-random with the spacebar or the 'Rnd' toggle. there are sliders for manual adjustment
@Balwyn Nice work! Screenshot of the patch:
Really cool, the sounds remind me of the soundtrack of Forbidden Planet. Here is another cool screenshot:
@EEight, @gsagostinho Thank you for the comments and for the screen shots. I was hoping to be able to change the colour on the fly with [set] but the only way seems to be reinitialising with [clear( and [append] which spoils the morphing effect. You can of course change the colour value in [plot] manually in this version. Another thing I noticed is the size limit to [setsize] seems to be limited to about 1500 elements per [append] which is why I chose that number
Balwyn -
great idea to use the spirograph as kind of a visual notation.
Here's another one that uses dots instead of lines that gives a nice morphing effect between patterns and colour.