Hi Everyone,
I'm very new to the world of Pd and also this forum but I need to throw this out there and see if anyone can help. I'm doing a project for college which involves designing a sample engine which is controllable by an EyeGaze interface (this is just control of the mouse pointer with the eyes). I want to create a front end menu system that allows the user to click buttons which then lead them to new screens with further buttons and sliders. I've just started messing with GEM but before I go any further I thought I'd ask is it possible to achieve this? I don't want to have multiple GEM windows so I'm wondering can it all be done in the same GEM window? These buttons will also be interacting with the audio patch and I have seen discussion on the forum about the drain on cpu but there seems to be some possible solutions. I don't have much of a patch developed yet so I'm not attaching anything. Any help would be hugely appreciated,
Using GEM for buttons which change pages
Hi Graham
maybe katja vetters slice jockey project can be good to look at
@Graham_Cork Hi!
Doing a GUI in GEM won't be easy. j-k-p did some GUI in GEM in the mtl abstractions:
- gemsToggle-help.pd
- gemsVslider-help.pd
- gemsXYPad-help.pd
- gemsKnob-help.pd
It might be useful to you. But I would do it in another software and use pd (or libpd) as the dsp engine only. Your call
Hey Guys,
Thanks so much for the feedback! I had come across Katja's work as I was researching and it's great! I've spent some time messing around with GEM and I see how it could be fraught with problems. I'm basically using a lot of conditional logic to direct the buttons to turn on and off when the mouse is over them and the gemmouse object receives a mouse click. The difficulty here though is that if I go to a different screen size the mouse coordinates are not the same so it's not locked to the position of the actual button graphic. It might be time now to consider other options before I go on too far! Would any of you be able to advise on what would be a good platform to create the GUI in? I don't have much coding experience so I may have to outsource this bit but if there was any program that was pretty accessible I'd give it a try myself. Any ideas?
Thanks again,
Graham -
@Graham_Cork Eli Fieldsteel has some amazing tutorials for SuperCollider, one of which is about making GUIs. I'm sure you could connect SC GUI's to pd via OSC.