This is a patch for use two different mouse on pd at the same time. It's only a simple example, but worked pretty well for me. Expand it with your needs.
It works only with linux (maybe there are alternatives for OS X) because you need two programs; xinput and xdotool. You need also pd working on graphical mode with the X server.
I use [MouseState] for one mouse (the visible pointer) and [hid] for the another (not visible on screen).
Also need modify some things on the patch before run it. First exec "xinput" on the terminal and note the ID number of your second mouse.
Use that number and replace the "your_ID" included on the three xinput messages with it.
This message [xinput float your_ID( makes your second mouse stop controlling the pointer and this another [xinput reattach your_ID 2( make it works again.
Anyway, with that mouse "hide" [hid] continues receiving the mouse coordinates. Try it. Of course, need also search and open your device on [hid] and send [stdbuf -o0 xinput test your_ID(.

I have make this second mouse (the left side of the patch) to work like a relative rotary encoder. Also this method avoid the repeated bangs when using relative x/y on [hid].

The right side part of the patch works with [Mousestate] and the first "visible" Mouse. You need change the sliders properties limits with your screen "y" size (mine is 900, so 899). Then press "Q" and "W" for test it, xdotool makes the work here.
Why I have make something like this? Because I like control a lot of things with the less possible devices (and if they are common devices better) and make randoms, without need adjust the analog usual midi pot every time it change its value, with the imprecision involved.
How I always say, sure this can be done better, my pd skills are very limited, but maybe this patch could be useful for someone.
Ah, don't forget send [killall xinput( before close the patch for stop xinput and avoid problems.
Thanks for reading!