cross correlation external
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The iem_tab library (in Pd-extended) has [tab_cross_corr] external.
Thanx a lot I'll check that, I started already doing my own fft version anyway which works. Only question is the across block estimation.. but I'll compare what they have at iem! Cheers
Sorry xbarbie, one noobie question.. I'm on Mac is there a binary of those externals for mac, seems like i have to compile them.. am I wrong?
I'm on PC, but I believe it is also part of the Pd-extended for Mac. Look in iem_tab library.
maybe I'm completely retarded but I can't find them in the mac osx installation i have. but I've got windows machine so i will try installing pd-extended and look for it.
I tried your compiled object, pd finds the object and then throws:
"./py.pd_linux cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"???
baki marzi hai teri
Every external I tried works. Nearly 200 externals, including amp-simulations, tonestacks, stompbox-fx, a lot of building blocks, ...
I could not figure out how the cabinet-simulation works, though - something with IR I guess. Maybe some objects only make sense inside Guitarix. Some are too demanding for this small cpu.