Each time a big sectoin of my patch is run it causes an audio pop. The section of the patch uses [until] to iterate over arrays and do calculations. How do I stop this from happening? There is nothing in that seciton of the patch which is audio related.
Audio clicks when a not audio related section of my patch is run.
[nbuntil] could hep you. It's made to work as fast as possible without overloading the cpu.
@dwan thanks for the suggestion, based on what you said I tested the patch with increased audio delay which fixed it, so [nbuntil] should work. But I am using computers at university, and they dont seem to have the [nbuntil] object built in. How do i get it?
@dwan Thanks for the help. Unfortunately I still have to bumb up the audio delay to 40ms, but no one will notice that small a delay.