How do you create a function that will:
- Test if the given statement is true (I have this part as a [moses 12], since the statement is "< 12")
- If true, output to left outlet; if false, output to right outlet (again, [moses])
- Take the false statement, modify it, and send it back to be tested again
Step 3) is what I'm having trouble with. I want the function to keep feeding the modified information back into [moses] until it gets a result that is < 12 (i. e. until it bangs left), but as far as I can tell I can only get it to bang once. The purpose behind all of this is to force one MIDI note within an octave of a second MIDI note, though I am sure that I could apply this method to anything else that needs a specific result (or range) to proceed. Please advise and/or link any relevant .pd patches. Thank you.