Hi there
I am having serious problems trying to figure out how to turn my very simple pd reverb into a .vst plugin.
I tried .au, and actually got somewhere with it, but unfortunately, libpd is a little beyond my comprehension at this stage.
So i decided to do a little thinking about how to overcome the issues i was having. I remembered Max and did a little research. It seems reasonably """easy""" to transfer a pd patch into max. Is this a correct assumption to make? I understand there are often issues with the conversion process when including externals, however, I have the great advantage of having written my pd patch completely vanilla.
HOWEVER, as with every single thing i have attempted in this project, it's not going to be entirely simple since Max MSP lost it's .vst and .au creating ability after version 5 I believe.
The key things i am looking into now are 'Pluggo'. Also removed from version 5 so i need to get a hold of version 4 somewhere..
My question is - am I chasing a pipe dream or am I going to need to get stuck into libpd and Xcode? Is it really possible to create a .vst OR .au plug in this easily?! I'm somewhat skeptical.
Any advice is much appreciated. I will also be doing my own research into this, but perhaps theres someone... anyone out there can offer a bit of advice!
Thank you.