I have an issue that is bugging me.
I have been using the pure data/firmata with arduino connected to the computer by a set of xbee trancievers. this was nice at one point owing to its simplicity of setup but now its data handing is slowing me down. I purchased a set of Roving networks RN-XV wifi trancievers and they are MUCH faster although no where near as stable.
currently, in windows, i have made the arduinos send their data over wifi to a router that is just for the system. from there i have beenable to use "serial/ip" serial port redirector (demo) to get the data from the router to the comport. This is very un-elegant. it works but is skippy and glitchy because i imagine that low latency live performance was not their primary concern.
are there any objects or techniques, in pure data, to get the ip and port number and dump straight into pd, possibly either directly into the comport object or bypass it and dump straight into the rest of the arduino object guts? today i will be experimenting with the net objects in PD, more, but so far none i have played with can be substituted for serial port (real or virtual) and comport-combo.
i have been researching socat on the linux side but by ubuntu-fu, sucks.