hey there y'all.
I have a show on Tuesday and I'm struggling to get this patch working!
It's just four oscillators, set to run randomly, within parameters set by my midi controller.
there's a metronome in there., but I don't think it's causing the trouble. but what do I know, I'm a n00b. and I wrote this patch when I was even a n00ber.
There's this digital artifact. A rhythm that never changes, but changes intensity depending upon the volume of the patch and the pitch of the tones. The rhythm increases when the pitch is lower. I made a recording of it using my h4, but I'm having trouble attaching it, so I'm just attaching the patch for right now, I'll try and upload the sound somewhere.
This didn't happen when I ran the patch normally, but I decided to run it out of the third output of my focusrite saffire so that I can isolate the signal from the other patches I'll have running.
Another thing...
The sound decreases when I hit a contact mic that's plugged into my mixer, but if I mute the contact mic's channel, or unplug it, the sound remains unchanged. What the darn?!
struggling man I am.