It's still this little sample player, this time it clicks, I don't know why
the little black bang labeled "F" opens c:/ on windows for loading a soundfile
I tried windowing but it was no good
These clicks occur when the audiofile has reached its end... File without click... No idea... Feel bad...
Attached a file, it's easier to compare then, if someone will find a bit of time to have a look at the patch... it's a simple short kick, doesn't click, but the player clicks it, just turn the "dsr"-sliders up to their maximum, play it and you will hear it clicking
btw i forgot to give [vline~] a 0-message, it's still 0.5 in the attached patch, but that's not the problem, i guess the solution is somewhere in the abstraction called [oneshotphasor~], but i'm stuck