there is an app to connect pd with an internal virtual intruement like FM8 or massive or absynth over midi. i can' t remember the name but it works like the iac driver on a macintosh.
i also use daw's
Howto interconnect pd with standalone virtual instrument on windows 7
there is an app to connect pd with an internal virtual intruement like FM8 or massive or absynth over midi. i can' t remember the name but it works like the iac driver on a macintosh.
i also use daw's
midiyoke and loopmidi.
but howto select the midi channels ?
loopmidi is super easy. you just type in how many virtual ports you want and it makes them, then it runs in the background. you select the midi channels as if they where real instruments. they should show up as real instruments (they do for me, in ableton 7 for example)
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