I am looking for a way to write a program that will generate a tone and then randomly choose a tone either a major or minor third above or below the initial tone. This would then repeat playing another tone with a major or minor third above or below that tone, etc. I do not understand how to work pd and have no programming experience. Is it possible to do what I want to do with pd?
Bryan Killough
yeah it's really easy to do that in pd.
I did something similar a while ago: it randomly walks by -3,-2,-1,+1,+2,+3 steps within 7-step scale, starting a second random walk when certain conditions are reached, and stopping when another condition is reached.
http://www.archive.org/download/ClaudiusMaximus_-_Dice_Music/ClaudiusMaximus_-_Dice_Music.pd(WARNING: the patch starts writing out wav files on loadbang, so you might want to start pd with the -noloadbang flag, or search/replace loadbang with something else in the .pd file before loading it)