I did some work with MAX at CNMAT and on my own a very long time ago, but since then I've led a MAX-free existence - don't know how that happened. Anyway, I finally have the opportunity to get back into it, so I just started to catch up and see how things have developed since I left. Holy cats - they certainly have changed. The fact that I'm on this forum shows you a bit about where my click trail has taken me.
Ok, so I have the opportunity to retool and almost start from scratch, and I'm faced with general questions about the ideal OS / software to commit to. I'm aware that questions like these can be inflammatory, so I'll give a bit more info and justification for being so general.
I'm primarily a Mac OS X dude, although in my main profession as web developer, I use all OpenBSD servers. For one particular project, I may be moving to Linux because of its clustering possibilities. But at home, I do all my work on my G5.
My training, such as it is, is in composition - with pen & paper even. But I'm eager to expand my toolset with various computer-assisted techniques, and I intend to develop my own, not just use what's out there, so programming is going to be a big part of my plans.
My immediate inclination was just to lay down the $495 for MAX/MSP (my copy is so old I don't think I can even upgrade). Maybe add jitter too - looks insanely cool. But then I clicked on a link to a company that does cycling74-based work, and followed a link to Pure Data. And things really opened up from there.
So it looks to me as if there's a bit of a conflict here...
If go with what's semi-familiar and go with MAX on my Mac, I immediately also get an IRCAM Forum Pass. Quite a bit of $, but a lot of bang. Good support. Established community.
But then there's Pd, which is open-source - that's a HUGE plus in my book, not just because it's free, and it'll run on my Mac...
...but from what I can tell, a lot of the most interesting development in this field would appear to be taking place on the Linux platform, AGNULA, dyne:bolic, etc.
So that's my question. MAX vs. Pd, OS X vs. Linux, and the natural combinations. Will Pd be a practical alternative to MAX/MSP, with its established user base and support, or even an improvement? Am I shortchanging myself with Pd on OS X? Might it be worth taking the plunge into Linux? I'll be interested to hear all advice and experiences.