Thanks for the feedback Alberto.
Okay, I changed the patch to embed the missing abstractions as subpatches, they are essential to the operation and you're not the first to have had problems locating them. Should sound very different now, if you grab the paf~ extern too.
paf~ is Millers phase aligned formant unit, it works like fof in Csound to create a band limited pulse train with a formant, ideal for voice like synthesis.
The way it's used in Sparkle is important, it works hand in hand with the phasorbank to make very dense spectrums because the two parts complement each other.
The harmonisers are also integral to the patch.
The chorus is just an "effect" to fatten up.
I think Sparkle would go great with your Outerspace synth, and when I have a machine powerful enough to run both it would be great to make an ambient/orchestral track using them together.
Yes, I must get over myself with the inverted artistic vanity and share them more widely